A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
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Sunday, August 29, 2021
They Remember Their Child
To all the parents who have lost a child in Afghanistan
But will always remember their child!
They Remember The Child/ By Pastor Janet M. Fears D.D
A parent remembers when their child started school
and didn't always follow the Golden Rule
they remember the child that hugged their neck
and often left their home a wreck
A parent remembers their child cries at night
when waking up from a terrible fright
A parent, members their child's first step
And pictures they put in an album and kept
A parent remembers turning off the light
and kissing their child as they slept at night
They remember teaching them to ride a bike
One of a child’s favorite likes
A parent remembers their child first speech
A memory they will always cherish and keep
A parent remembers them as they grew
And wish they could keep them still a baby too
They remember when they had their first date
And how they waited up so late
Then when they left home and went off to school
You worried still if they would follow all the rules
You watched them graduate and start their life
And become someone’s husband or wife
When they chose a military career
Your heart was filled with so many fears
They wanted to keep their country safe
And you knew in your heart it was their place
You prayed each night to God above
For him To protect the child you love
But when you saw the car pull up to your street
And you saw those military feet
And you heard that knock upon your door
You knew your child would be home no more
your hearts were sad as a parents heart could be
But you knew they served their country
And died helping others to be free!
Thursday, August 26, 2021
"The Human Library"
You are probably asking yourself what is a human library? Of course you know about libraries, You go there and read a book, or check out a book and read its story. In the human library, you do the same, just a bit different. Instead of checking out a book, you check out a person,who will sit and talk to you telling you their life's story. The human library purpose is to stop discrimination against others by not judging someone by race, creed, or background, or as it's said, "Never judge a book by its cover" There are 85 human libraries in the world, see if your country has one. Go check out this site to learn more,it's definitely worth it!
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
A Different Publishing Platform
Hey guys, want to gain recognition as a writer, and build an audience in the process? If so then here a great place to write,publish, taks free writing class,and also earn mony too! Check this site out fast!
Monday, August 23, 2021
Self Publishing
Thinking about self-publishing but don't know anything about how to do it, or what's involved in the process? Well, now you will after reading this blog, and linking to the site that will tell you all about it, and just how to get started. Everything you need to know is there, and very easy fora novice writer to understand!
Questions To Ask A Publisher Before Signing a contract!
You book is finished, edited, spelling, and grammer is perfect, or as perfect you can make it. Now where to find a publisher for it, Offers come in from unknown publishers, who have some how heard about you book, maybe through your advertising, and they all sound so great, but before you take that step read this article about what to ask, and what services they should offer.
Book Reviews/Should Authors Pay For Them?
So yourbook is out and published. But it's been while and no reviews. What to do?? A friends boo has so many reviews,why doesn't yours? Then she tells you her secret. She with a company and pays money to have her book reviewed. You wonder if this would work for you, and if it's even legal?Here's a site that can answer that question for yoy and help yo decide if this path is for you!
Writer Scams!
In the writing world there are so many scams to watch out for. A writer so wants their book to be a success that often they rush to get it published and don't check the facts about so many things. So check out this site and gain the wisdom to miss these scams!

Sunday, August 22, 2021
My Series On Amazon Kindle Vella!
4th episode ofmy Kindle Vella serieson Amazon. Check it out!
Thursday, August 19, 2021
My Read Along Story On Amazon Kindle Vella!
Hey everyone, I am writing a story on line that you can read as I write it.It's call "The Diary" by Pastor Janet Fears. I will add episodes that you can read and follow along with me as I write this mystery. Go check it out. There are already 2 episodes there for you to read. I hope you like it.And please leave a comment or a like there.I love doing fun writing like this!
Saturday, August 14, 2021
My Newest Novel Out Now On Amazon
Well, I'm happy to say I finally finished my 8th novel ( Jarius Daughter/ The Sequel/ A Journey Of Faith) and its on Amazon,and in e-book in the kindle store. Here's the link check it out!
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
The vaccines/ The other side of the story
Its wonderful that vaccines are out there to fight the virus and keep our world safer. But if you haven't had the shot and wonder if there is another side of the story to consider, then this article is for you. Having the shot is a personal decision, so read this article with some facts that are not presented on the news media because it might hinder many people from getting vaccinated. But I always think both sides should be presented, so you decide what's best for you, and your family after reading this sites informaion. Whatever you decide is your own personal choice, so be informed and choose wisely!
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Monday, August 9, 2021
Micmonster A Great Way To Do Audiobooks!
If your dream is to have your book put into an audio book, but the prices are to high, well have I found a site for you. Its called Micmonster, and they do it all, they have artifical realistic voices that convert that novel into an audio book that you can pubish. This site is fantastic. So go check it out anf do that audio book now!
et that dream for making an audiobook , you can do it!!
Congress/ A Disappointment Indeed!
I've been sitting here thinking about America and our government. how long is it going to take for the American people to wake up? our government is doing so much for other people, giving millions of dollars to Russia for oil and Iran for oil yet they closed Oil Business down here in the United States and workers are, out of jobs. What's wrong with our government they think about the American people last, they put themselves first, me myself, and I. They are like little children in the kindergarten room, each wanting their own way and they're going to get it no matter how long they have to drag the American people through the mud. We keep waiting for this stimulus every time it comes to a stimulus check it's like pulling teeth they don't want to give it because honestly, they don't want to give us any money they figure to give us little crumbs here and there and we'll be satisfied. America we need to wake up and take these people out of office We As Americans need to wake up and let them see that we are not stupid but we know that they're just dragging us along trying to get to the election, then give us a little and figure we will vote them in again. and silly us, we do! They haven't done anything it's always a battle to give to the American people. Is such a hard Long Trail I think it's because they figured eventually Americans will get tired and they'll just accept that they're not going to give to us. They think and they'll forget about it and make it somehow by the skin of our teeth. We need to wake up and vote these people out because they're not doing for us, all they're trying to do is get back in the office and sit in those seats.
Do we get a month’s vacation? Are we able to hop on a jet fly wherever we want? do we have all our needs met? do we have fine cars? Do our kids go to fine schools? there's do! I'm like this we need to wake up as Americans and quit voting people back in the office that do nothing, we're still looking at the promises of men, man cannot promise anything because man promises a lie to get where he wants to be. He lies to get in office just sit back in that seat for four years or whatever how many years it is . I think it's absolutely terrible that our American government is like this. How long can we be so blind? Our Government has given millions to other countries since January 2021. It should not take them that long to give us money and then blame it on the American people for the nation’s debt! They've been giving money to other places, Russia, Iran. But when it comes to their own country, America, it’s a battle that is never-ending! They want to do all this stuff for the infrastructure to make the roads, buildings, and the highways and all this stuff so strong that's nice but the problem is not the outside they better work on the inside the enemy is within our own walls. It's our own fault because we keep putting those same people in office that are the problem. We Americans need to stop listening to the lies of the politicians and think about their records, and vote them out! That's my opinion. Is there a 4th stimulus check coming? If so it could be Christmas before we see it, it at all! I love America but, the people that run American I do not have any faith in them at all, I guess the saying is correct that says “If you get into politics, you’ve got it made.” They sure DO and they want to stay right their in their seats and run it to benefit themselves, not US!
Thursday, August 5, 2021
A Great Place T0 Publish!
You,ve written that book, but funds are low and you truly can't afford to pay alot to have all the things done that are needed to get it off the ground and into booksores. Book cover design, formatting, and so many other things. Well, have I found a place for you. This cpmpany has a special going for a short time, they will publish your book for only $299.00.Not sure how long this promo price will last so you must go quickly and check them out. They do it all!
Monday, August 2, 2021
FINALLY! THIS IS IT!!! Fourth Stimulus Check Update + Student Loan Forgi...
More on next stimulus package, vote coming this week!
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Standard Print Sizes For Books!
If you wonder what size to print your novel, short story, or novella in, well here's another site I found that will answer that questin for you. Check it out and then you'll know!
Hey Authors Know Your Editors!
It seems today I am finding so much good stull for writers, here's another site that will tell you all about the different types of editors out there. Another great helpful thing authors should know! Check this site out.
The 7 Types of Publisher & And What They Publish!
If you want to publish your book, you must find the right publisher. Well, there are 7 different types, and you as an author must choose the right one to get your book off and running. There are 7 different types. This site I found for you welll tell you all about them, and which one might be the best fit for your book!
The 13 Different Types of Readers!
Justt like there are different tyes of writers, there are also different types of readers. Check this article out I found on this site, It is very informative and could help authors target their audience!
Sunday, August 1, 2021
What Type Of Writer Are You?
Have you ever been asked what type of writer you are? Most likely you answered something like this," I write mysteries,or I write romance novels,or children books. But what type are you? Do you really knowing what type of writer you are? Well, here's a site for you to help you understand more deeply the type of writer you are. There are 11 types, read and find who you are as a writer!
Hire A Writer!
Do you have fantastic stories running wild in your brain that you ould loe to put down on paper and then into anovel for the world to read, but you don't want t write it yorself? Perhaps you don't think you csn write it, or just don't have the time. Well here's a place that has lots of "Pens for hire" that will write that book for you. Check them out and fine a writer foryou in your area.
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