A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
Language Translator
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Making Videos !
Hey guys here's another place to make vidoes for fun, or for professional use. It has a free plan, or if you want to do more they have different payment programs. Go check them out.I did and I loved it. You will too!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021
A fantastic Way To Advertise!
Heres a great way to advertise like they do on tv. Write your own cript, have a teleprompter in front of you, so you won't miss any words. Give it a try, I truly think you will truly like this one!
Saturday, July 24, 2021
How To Write Like Your Favorite Author!
So, you have this one author, who's books you love. You read everything he/ or she writes just as soon as it comes to print. Oh, how you wish as a author you could write like that. The stories are so fascinating, exciting, no one writes stories like he/or she does, but you would sure like to try, but how. You wish you could have time to just sit and ask questions to that person of how they do it. Well, here's a good site I found that can start you off, to help you to write like your favorite author, take a read, and then see how it can be done!
Hack Writers
You might be looking at the title of this blog and wonder, what is a Hack Writer? At first I wondered too. I thought it was maybe a person, critic, proffreader, or reviewer who just tore words apart maybe when reading a book. Or a person who just read and tore writers books apart for fun. Finding every little mistake, fault with every line,and chapter. In other words just hated everything about the book. But was I wrong! here's the real deinition of a "hack writer"
"Hack writer
Hack writer is a colloquial and usually pejorative term used to refer to a writer who is paid to write low-quality, rushed articles or books "to order", often with a short deadline. In a fiction-writing context, the term is used to describe writers who are paid to churn out sensational, lower-quality "pulp" fiction such as "true crime" novels or "bodice ripping" paperbacks. In journalism, the term is used to describe a writer who is deemed to operate as a "mercenary" or "pen for hire", expressing their client's political opinions in pamphlets or newspaper articles. So-called "hack writers" are usually paid by the number of words in their book or article; as a result, hack writing has a reputation for quantity taking precedence over quality."
So now yo know what a hack writer is. I am sure there are many books out there written by persons like these who are more concerned with the money. Can you think of any books that were probably written by such writers? I bet now you can!
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Best Writing Tools Ever For Writers!
If you truly want to know all the tools a writer really needs to become a writer, then you must checkout this site. It has all the information you need to get you off the ground and running as a writer!
Editing Options For Writers!
You've finished your book, now what? Well before you ship it off to the publisher it needs to be edited fully to catch typo's, spelling errors, and anything else that might affect it marketing success. So you might want to consider getting an editor to read your book. But, you say, they can be costly, and you don't have a lot of cash to invest in an editor now. So what to do? You want to present a flawless, or as close to flawless book to the public. Well here's a site I found that gives you a lot of options, check it out!
FINALLY! FOURTH STIMULUS CHECK Update Today 2021: MONTHLY 4th Stimulus C...
Well folks the stimulus is moving forward for the Americsn people.Take a listen to this latest update for today!
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Here's A Great Online Editor
Dreaming of finding a good online editor? Well here's one. I love this editor. just paste in a portion of your document and it will find all your errors. Tried it and loved it. You will too writers. Give it a try!
How To Handle Brutal Criticism As A Writer!
Well, here's a subject many have asked about. How to react when someone says your book is the "Pits" You've worked so hard on writing it, hours, days, weeks, maybe even months, and finally get it published and eagerly watch for those reviews. You are totally shocked, hurt, from our first review. They said that they hated your book! What do you do? what do you reply back? Do you get angry, sit and cry, maybe decide to give up totally on becoming an author? Well here are some answers on that presise subject.
Friday, July 16, 2021
Every writer knows what it means to have a plot in their story.The plot is a seqences of events that happens in a story that pushes the story forwad that must be answered as the story progresses and finally solved for your reader at the story's end. But subplots are also important to a story. Subplots enhance your story, support your story's theme, and makes it a better tale to tell.
Now you may be asking yourself what exactly is a subplot, and how do I use them? Well, I have all the answers for you here. Read all about it!
Are There Any Easy Genres To Start Writing In?
Perhaps you truly want to be a writer, but you want an easy place to start, but where? You don't want a difficult genre, just something simply to kick start your writing journey. So Here's a site I found just for you to help you get started. Link b below!
Finding A Title For Your Novel!
If you are having trouble finding a title for that novel you are writing, then this blog today may help you. There are many thing to be considered when choosing the correct title, which is all at this site, just for you!
Write A Story!
Want to see if you have what it tskes to be a writer? Well heres a litle site that lets you do just that. You can create your story there and see if you have what it takes!
Do you love to read, but can't afford to buy the books you are interested in? Then here's a place to read e-books for free,in so many catagories. Check it out readers!
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
16 Tips From Master Class on Writing!
Hey guys, I was reading today from master class tips on witing,it was so good I had to share it wih you. So much good stuff there about writing. You might want to sign up and become a student with these yalented authore who offer their knowledge and wisdom on writing. It will help you become the best writer you can be.Check it out!
My favorite tip was the Iceberg theory by Hemmingway!
GOOD NEWS! 4th Stimulus Check Update | Social Security Moves | Major Exe...
Well people stimulusis is in question now. Listen and learn why!
Sunday, July 11, 2021
FINALLY! FOURTH STIMULUS CHECK Update Today 2021: MONTHLY 4th Stimulus C...
Latest progress on Americans 4th stimulus checks!
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
✅ 🛑Help Me Sign !🛑Everyone Should Know International Gesture To Request ...
So many dangers in our world. Many can't cry out loud for help, but if you see these hand signs that's what they are asking for is HELP. Know the universal hand signs. (Teach them to your kids, students, and yourself) You could save a childs life, or maybe even your own!
Monday, July 5, 2021
Publishing Scams To Beware Of!
Every writer wants to be published, it's our dream. But finding a great and honest publisher can be difficult. There are alot of scammers out , here's a chance to get information on some of them to keep you and your novel safe!
How To Find A Literary Agent
Are you looking for an agent to handle your book and present it to publishers? If so, then this blog might just help you out. Find out what you need to know before you dive into your search.
Authors Give Your Books Away, It Can Be Profitable!
This is me. I don't write for money, although I make money. I write to convey a meaasge. Here are some other authors
who gave their books away too. Read and see why, You just might want to give it a try!
How Book Advances and Royalties Work
If you are a writer who been doing good in sales, and money is starting to roll in,then listen to how royalities work.
How Much Money Do Authors Make?
Have you wondered how much money authors make, or can make? watch this video and find out!!!
The Art of the Book Deal (and How Much Money You Can Expect)
Have you been offered a book deal from a publisher? Or are you trying to get a book deal? Then here's what you need to know before you accept a book deal.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
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