Thursday, April 30, 2020

A New Place For Authors!

If you are an author and want to advertise your work, then here's a website that's absolutely free where you can set up a website and show the world your books. Run and read all about what they offer and then decide if it for you. I bet you'll be a "happy camper" if you do! Click the link below.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Great Place To Publish!

Hey writers, don't let publishing be a juggling act. Here's another place to publish your writings. So much they will do for you at very reasonable;e prices. Go fast and check them out.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

See The World From Your Home & More!

Okay, so you are shut in because of this virus. Well, you can still travel and see the virtual world right from your home. Today I am going to Paris and I don't have to pay one red cent. You can too! Here's a link to a site that will tell you how to do it. Click the link and go there, then where you see all the blue lines under a word or phrase, just click it and go to that other link and then decide what part of the world you want to travel to. Maybe you want to go to a Zoo in a foreign country. It's all there for you. I'm off to Paris France today. Tomorrow maybe I'll go to London and see Big Ben. Here's the link for your travels. Have fun!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Stimilus Information For Other Countries. What Do You Know?

All countries are suffering during this crisis. Do you know what your country is doing to help its people during this trying time? If not please read this article, and find out!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Social Distancing Attitude/ "I'll Do What I Want"

Read this and see why some think they are immune to this virus. Why they think it doesn't affect them, and then beware. It's scary! Don't be foolish, follow the rules, be safe. Don't become a statistic!

The Dangers Of Social Distancing For Many!

Many women and men are in abusive relationships and this lockdown for them can be a real danger. Being in close quarters with an abuser can lead to death. Often these that are abused the only freedom they had is now taken away. Many that are abused looked forward to the abuser being out of the home, at work for hours. This was the time they could feel safe and free. Now that they are shut-in, and they know the abuser will be taking his lack of freedom out on them and they have no escape. If you know others who are living in conditions like these this article may help you, help them. Read it with that in mind. It just may be what you need to know to help someone and let them know they are not alone. There are agencies and others out there to help them!

How To Do Social Distancing!

Social distancing is very hard. Being confined when you want to go out with friends and enjoy the world is bad. Many people are now realizing how bless it was to be able to do that, now that they can't! Finding ways to be together when you are far apart can take a toll on a person. Here are some things one can do to help people who feel lonely. Click the link and read.It could be very beneficial to your health!

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Best Site Ever For Book Promotion!

Book promotions cost a lot to get your book in front of the public. Well here is a site that will promote your book for a whole year, yes I said a whole year, and for the lowest price I've found so far only $49.00. So don't walk, I suggest you run and get the information you need to submit that book of yours!

Christian Writing Sites!

Here's a place that gives a list of many different sites for you to share your Christian faith through your writings. If this is your passion then check them out and pick from the many on their list.

Places That Will Pay You To Write!

If you want to get paid to write articles, stories, whatever, then I've found a site that list many places just for you. Check them out and see if one is a fit for you!

Friday, April 3, 2020

The Internet A Dangerous Place For Kids!

During this "social distancing" time when so many children are stuck at home, the internet is where they go. Here's information for you to make sure your kids stay safe and away from preditors who are just lurking behind the scenes pretending to be friendly. The internet can be a dangerous place and kids are so vulnerable and trusting. So click this link and read how you can watch out for your children.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A New Site On The Rise!

Here's a place where you can read stories, review them, or write them too. Booksie is just fabulous.I checked it out, I may even join it myself. Rush, go see and join and have fun reading others' works. I'm sure you will be happy you did!!