A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
Language Translator
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Be A Voice Of Inspiration!
It's a troubled world we live in. People are depressed people are dying. It hurts your heart to see your friends and others suffering. Whenever they see you they smile. You are an inspiration to them, you make them feel hopeful, happy, and want to go on in spite of all that comes against them. You make them feel up, in a down world. You inspire them. You are an inspirational person, spreading inspiration to all you meet. Well here are more ways to spread inspiration to your world. Click the link. We need more like you!
How To Be A Good Beta Reader
Your friend the author has asked you to read their book and to give feedback on it. Of course, you say yes. But what exactly does a beta reader do? Before you commit, you should study and know what they expect from you and what exactly are you expected to do. Many writers use beta readers. If this is for you, then find out more about beta readers by clicking the link below.
Do Other Writers Intimidate You?
Are you a writer hiding under a sheet because you're afraid to be seen in the writer's world? Do you want to wite, but there are so many writers out there that you feel intimidated? Do you feel that you're not good enough, or you cant keep up with the rest of the writing world? If so then you need to read this article found on this site, and "Nip it in the Bud." Click the link below and read!
Thursday, February 27, 2020
What Type Of Writer Are You?
This is a great quiz to help you discover what type of writer you are. Ready, set, GO.............
Take the quiz, and then you'll know for sure!
Click link below!
Some Of The Best Books For Kids From Around The World!
Kids love books, especially those that bring them laughter and joy while teaching lessons too! Here is a list of 14 children books from around the world that are definitely worth reading to them. Click the link below and see what they are!
Audio Book Software creator!
We all have listened to audiobooks. It a great way to hear a good story while doing your daily routine. Perhaps you are an author and would like to try your hand at creating your own audiobook, read by you, the author to share with your family and friends. Or perhaps you just want to try your hand at creating one just for the sheer joy of it. Well here's a site where you can do just that. Try it and make that writing dream become a voice to be heard! Click the link and give it a try!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Building A Fan Base!
Disgusted with trying to get others to notice your books? Want to build a huge fan base of people to advertise your books? Well here's a site that lets you do that. Sign up for a free trial. It will do so much for your self-esteem as an author.
" Booksniffer,might just be the place for you. You can even get to know your readers on a personal base and chat. You can tell all about your writings, advertise when your books will be publish and keep them informed. What a great way to build a fan base. Click the link and try it out!
Writing To Help Others!
There are many ways to help others with your writings. Perhaps you see people struggling with difficulties and wish others knew their struggles. Or perhaps your community is suffering in some way and you want the higher up in government to know about it. Or your school doesn't have a newspaper telling about all the good things they do in the community to benefit the homeless, the needy, so you want to speak out and tell everyone, or show that all students aren't gang banger's. Yes, these are ways your writings can benefit others. So click the link and see what you can do with your writings!
Free Sites/ And Paid Sites For Book Promo's
If you are having trouble finding sites that you can promote your book on, well have I got a site for you. This site will show you 127 places for book promo's, and so much more. So run, don't walk to your computer and check them out!
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Beginners Writing Class!
Want to learn how to write but can't afford to take classes. Then this site is right up your ally. Classes that you can do at home, for a very reasonable price. So now you have no excuse not to write!
Studying Writers Style!
It's often good to study different writing styles and see if you have any similar qualities in your own writing. As you continue to write you will develop your own unique style that will be totally yours. Often when you hear an author's name, you automatically
know what is their unique style, and the type of books they write. Authors like John Grissom, Danielle Steel, and I could go on, and on. This article focusing on some famous writers will open your eyes to valuable information that will help you understand your self as a writer, as you take a peek into how these writers developed their style! Click the link below and read.
Friday, February 21, 2020
What Makes A Writer Write?
Many people can't see why a person would want to spend their time in front of a typewriter, or computer, or carry a pen and jot down ideas all day. Why do they do that? Maybe you are a writer and your friends ask you why you write. It's often hard to explain to others. But perhaps this little article on the Psychology of writing will help you understand why you write, and then you will be able to explain it to others. There is a Psychology behind writing! Click the link below.
Do You Know Your ABC's?
In school, we all had to learn our ABCs. Well did you know there are ABCs in writing too? Well, there are, and every writer should study them to become a better writer. This site I discovered will tell you all about them, so check them out
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Pre-Made Book Cover Designs
You've got your book all ready, but now you need a cover to really get it noticed by readers. If you are a designer, then making a book cover might be easy. If not, then what to do? Book covers are very important, and you want to best of the best. Here's a site I found for you where you can search through their designs, find the cover you like, buy it, or redesign it on the site to be the cover you want. A must check out if you're serious about have a great cover. Click link below and check this site out, try it for yourself and see if it's for you!( Pricing isn't bad either!)
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Get Paid To Read & Review Books
Perhaps you don't want to write, but you love to read books. Well, why not make some money in the process! There are many places where writers' books are that are looking for people just like you. People who will read their books and review them. Tell what they like about the book, or don't like. Here's such a site. Check them out and see if this is the niche for you.
Learn all You need To know about Self-Publishing!
If you want to self-Publish your work but don't know-how. Well, Have I got a site for you. It's all about how to self publish. The in's & the outs. Now you will have the 'know-how' to get that book off to the world to see. Click the link below and get started on publishing that bestseller. You have no excuses now!
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Writer Or Author What's The Difference?
Another interesting blog I discovered that I want to share with you. Have you ever wondered if a writer & author are the same? Well, this blogsite will explain this all to you so you will know exactly who you are Click link & find out!
A New Publisher On The Rise. EBL
I'm constantly looking for information for writers, to help them get established and get their books shown to the world. Well, here's one I found yesterday. You must check them out and see what you think about them. That's the only way you will know!
Monday, February 17, 2020
Writing Prompts !
A writer must write everyday. A word, a line, a sentence, or a paragraph. Writing everyday builds your confidence and helps you get into a routine for writing. Often its hard to think about what to write if you're just getting started. Well here are some writing prompts that can help you every day of the year. Check them out and start writing!
Build Your Website Traffic!
Have you been searching endlessly on ways to get more visitors to your website? Well, search no more. I've found just what you are looking for. A site to help you do just that. Check it out!
Check it out!
Click the link and read all about it!
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Finding That Perfect Publisher !
Haven't found that perfect publisher to send your book to? Its become a juggling act for you? Well, I have found a list just for you. Search through it, click the publisher that sounds good to you and check them out.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Flash Fiction Writing. What Is It?
This is an area many writers overlook. It sounds interesting because of the word 'flash' When we think about that word, we picture something going very fast right? Well, that's basically what flash fiction is about. Very short stories that start and end quickly, yet still must have all the elements that make it a story. If you prefer writing short stories, then "Flash Fiction" might be for you. Check of this blog site I found for you to help you understand flash fiction and get you started.
Click the link and check it out.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Writing Jobs , A Writer can Do!
Perhaps you have been following my blog and have gathered valuable information that has become very beneficial to you. That's exactly what I strive to do. But maybe you wish all the writer's jobs were listed all on one page so you could check them all out. Well, have I found a site for you. A Place where all the jobs are listed on one site. So just click the link below and check out all the jobs that are possible for a writer!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Building A Personal Website!
What ever type of work you want to do. You need a website to share your writings, or other businesses with people and gain customers. But which ones? Where should you start? Are they expensive? Are there any free website builders? All these questions can be answered by clicking the link below.
Writing A Column For A Newspaper
You read the newspaper everyday. Certain articles catch your attention. You think that you could write articles and columns like that. There are so many thing in your town that might interest others but they don't know about them. But you could tell them. Maybe you could start writing a daily column, or a weekly column. There are so many subjects to write about. If you like to cook, a cooking column, or about auto repair,how to fix a roof, clean the gutters. Or maybe you give good advice about life & love relationships. You'd be so surprised how many people want to know these things but are afraid to ask. Click the link below and start on the road to success!
Do You Critique The Books Of Authors?
When you read a book you naturally become a critic of that book, saying whether it's good, or bad, and you will tell others all about it. Well before you do,read this interesting article and see how critic's affect authors from the inside. Click link below and see what critics are all about.
Co-Authoring A Book!
Perhaps you don't feel you could write the whole book. You're not sure of your talent as an author. But you have a friend who writes who offer to help you as a co-author. But how exactly would that work out for you? What rights would each of you have as authors. So much you need to know before you say "Yes" to that friend who's so anxious to help you. To help you get all the information you need to know, click the link below the picture. This site could really help you!
The Publishing Process
There's a lot that happens before your book gets published. So much to know so your book will be that best reflection of your talent. Perhaps you wish you could take a course and get all the knowledge you need. Well, here's a place that tells just what the process looks like when you send your book off to be published. . Click the link below and read all about the Publishing Process, and see actually what happens when you want to send that book off to a publisher, here at home or far away!
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Write A Self Help Book!
Perhaps you are good at something others are struggling with. It could be a health problem you've conquered, weight, or maybe you're not a chef, but you are a good cook and could write a cook book that would help others make fabulous meals at very little cost. Self Help books help many people all over the world who possibly could not afford to pay for the information they need. But a book, less expensive they could afford to buy. There are so many self help books on the market, sharing all types of crafts and more Why not write what you are expert about, and get yours noticed! Click the link and see if this type of writing is for you.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Are You Good At helping Others To get Their Ideas Across? If So, Maybe You Should Be A Proposal Writer!
Perhaps you see others struggling with how to get things done. You see their ideas, inventions, and you think they are good, but not presented in the proper way to grab the attention of the companies they want to buy their idea. You have the know how to help them present their ideas in the prefect way to make a company want to invest in them and their ideas. So what would it take for you to become such a writer. A Proposal Writer? Click the link below and see. A writer can wear many hats. Maybe this is the hat for you!
Monday, February 10, 2020
Are You Good At Words?Maybe You Could Be A Speechwriter!
She needs some help!
Are you good at words? Do you often help others by writing speeches that will move an audience to action? In today's world not everyone in eloquent in their speech, and often hire others to write for them. Speechwriters work for politicians, and in many areas of businesses with important clients who need this help to make their words more polished to present to the public. If this is something that sounds like YOU, then click the link below and see what it takes
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Making A Book Trailer Video is Fun!
Made this little book tralier on a great little site called Biteable. need to check this one out writers, or anyone who want to advertise anything . Its so good guys!
Click link and view my book trailer below. I so love it. Why not try your hand at it too!
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Another Great Site For You!
Writing Is Designing too!
Here is a recent poster I wrote, and design for promo for my new novel coming in Spring 2020/to Amazon & Kindle!
Could You Become A Travel Writer?
Perhaps you love to travel and are blessed financially to be able to jet off to faraway countries and see the world. Or maybe you found that out of the way place near you, that's so wonderful, so beautiful, that you want others to find it too! You've seen so many places that others know nothing about. You'd love to tell them about those places, and how to find them. If only you could. But you can, as a travel writer. Travel writers inform others about destinations they know nothing about. Inform them of how to get there, what they will see, and enjoy. The cost, about the climate, and what's there to entertain them. Also what restaurants are best. Travel writers tell it all! Does this sound good to you? You can travel and enjoy it, and get paid to write about what you see? If so click the link below and see!
Be A Book Cover Illustrator!
Perhaps you love books and you like to design. You have a flair for art. You can design beautiful captivating images that catch people's eyes. Well then, maybe this might be the career for you. Think about becoming a book cover illustrator. Want more on this possible career choice? If you do, click the link below and see what it takes!
Friday, February 7, 2020
Should You Be A Film Critic Writer?
Perhaps you love movies. You spend most of your day traveling the theaters, seeing whats out there. Maybe all your friends ask you before they to go see a movie, knowing that you probably have seen it already. You give them the low down on it all, so they will know, if the movie is worth seeing. Hey! You could make a living at this, so many people do, and get paid for it. Why not you? Well lets check this out. There's more to this than meets the eye. So click the link below and see just what it would take to be a movie critic, and if it would work for you!
Be A Food Critic Writer!
Perhaps you love food. Love dining at fine restaurants, love fine wines, and the decor. You want to introduce others to these wonderful places & their foods. Then this might be right up your alley! Check this site out. It has all the information you need to see if this is the type of writing you would like to do. Click link below .
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Be A Beta Reader For Authors!
Just think how fabulous it could be to get the first look into an authors book before the world sees it. Learn all about the characters, plot, setting, story line. Yes, this could be YOU as a Author Beta Reader. You have the chance to give valuable feedback which could help an author fashion that best seller. Interested? Well if you are then check out this site for information on how you can become a Beta Reader for Authors. You just might like it!
Click link below to get the low down on it all!
What Does It Take To Be A Literary Agent?
Perhaps you are a writer who would like to turn your skill into helping other authors get noticed and published. You might be thinking about becoming a Literary Agent with a publishing company, but how do you get started? What qualifications must you have? Do you meed to take classes? And how long does it take to become one? These are all valid question you must have answered for you before you throw your hat in the ring. Check out this site on the web for the answers to many of these questions, and see if you have the right stuff!
Click the link below and read the helpful information this site has for you.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
My Children Magazine / Bible Betty
Take a peek into a Magazine I designed that out now on Amazon. All for children about how to handle a bully!
Click the link below and take a quick read through! Raise magnification to about 275, or higher if you want it to be a larger book size, for easier reading. This book is available also on Amazon!
Designing Your Own Magazine?
Perhaps you are a Magazine lover, you spend hours, and money on them. Fashion, Mechanic, Sports. Home Decor, Travel, Photography, Science and more........ Writers are needed in all fields of writing. Doing a magazine might be right up your alley. Find your interest and try your hand at designing one on line to get the fieel of it. You might just like it! Click link below to try your hand at making your own Magazine.
Writing For Your Local Newspaper
Perhaps you've been reading your local newspaper, thinking that you could write stories, columns, or articles as well as these writers do. But how do you get started. What do you need to know? What qualifications would they require of you? Well I found an article just with all those answers for you. Go check it out and see if this is the niche for you! Clink link below and see.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Want To really get Your Book Noticed?
If you want to see your book really take off. Try a virtual Book Tour with this great site. "Pump Up Your Book Tour"
check it out. What have you got to lose. this could be just the break you've been waiting for! Click link below and see!
Monday, February 3, 2020
Write Your Love A Book For Valentines day!
A wonderful site I discovered, a great gift idea. Write a book for the one you love. They will love you for it.
Follow the link below to the site and write your love book!
Which Writing Genres Are Most Profitable For Writers?
Maybe you're thinking about money. Aren't we all. So you want to see which genres are the most profitable for writers, so you can decide if where you want to write will be beneficial to you. Found a site just for you. Check out all you need to know, then get to writing. Link below
Are You Destine To be A Writer? Take the Quizzes & Find Out!
Still hesistating about writing. Not sure if you have the "Right Stuff" to be a writer. Then maybe you should take these little quizzes I found on the web and see !The 1st Link (Carol Clarke) doesn't seem to respomd, please copy and paste this link in your browser to get to the site, This information is too valuable to miss!
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Why It's Never Good To Leave A Bad Book Review!
So you read this author's book. You thought it was trash, and you want to tell the world just that. STOP! Never leave a bad review. If you're an author, you know how much time and effort it takes to write a book. It takes hours of writing, maybe even months of long days and nights, with characters running around in your head. You must ask yourself is this fair to do to another writer, when you won't appreciate that being done to you All writers have feelings, their book is their baby, and they think it's wonderful, and want others to think so too. Never trample on another's dreams just because you didn't like what they wrote. All books are not for everyone. We all have different tastes. Find your taste and stick with it, but NEVER downgrade another author's work and cause them to lose sales or fans by your review. Like the old saying goes. "If you can't say something good. Say nothing at all" It's a good rule to follow!
This article says it well. Read, and digest it. It's worth it!
Checkout my new book about Love, and what its really all about and get a free read through this flipsnack book creator.
Book out on Amazon & Kindle too! Zoom up to at least 275 or higher to be able to read the book clearly. But I don't know exactly why that is for this particular book. But Click the red links below it will take you to the book.
Believe In You!
The most important thing above all else is believing in yourself, your talents, your abilities. Whether you are a writer, of in whatever profession, you must have faith in yourself that you can do it. If you don't believe in you, no one else will! You must have that self-confidence in yourself. People can visibly see if you don't. By the way, you speak, act, dress, even in your stance. It all reveals to them how you feel about yourself. Here's a wonderful article on believing in YOU! Click the link below and see how to build self-confidence in yourself. It will reflectin all you do in life, even in your writings.
How To Stay Motivated To Reach Your Goal!
It's often hard to stay motivated in a world where we see so many people succeeding in the dream we have. Will we ever be a success? Its a question all ask at some point in their lives when the dreams that fill our hearts and minds haven't come to fulfillment. It can cause frustration. How do you stay positive at this point? How do you make yourself push on when you want to quit? Well, be assured that if you're human (and I know you are ) every person has felt that same feeling. Some times just a word at the right time can do the trick. Or you read another story and it ignites that spark, and off you go again. Suddenly you're motivated again. If you are not feeling motivated click the links below and let these articles fuel your spirit!